Chapter 3: Basic configuration
3.1.5Connect charge protection
Connect charge protection blocks connections that go beyond a previously set amount, protecting you from unexpectedly high connection costs.
In a LANCOM router, there are three independent budgets: For DSL access, you can set a maximum connection time in minutes. In addition to this time budget, there is also a budget for limiting ISDN connection charges.
In order for the limitations according to connect charge rates to func- tion properly, it is necessary to enter the information for connect charge rates through ISDN.
Any budget can be deactivated by entering the value '0'.
It is possible to completely turn off connect charge protection
3.2Instructions for LANconfig
Start up LANconfig by clicking Start Programs LANCOM
LANconfig automatically detects the new LANCOM router in the TCP/IP network. Then the setup wizard starts that will help you make the basic settings of the device or will even do all the work for you (provided a suit- able network environment exists).
If the setup wizard does not start automatically, start a manual search for new devices on all ports (if the LANCOM router is connected via a serial port) or in the network (Device Find).
If you cannot access an unconfigured LANCOM router, the problem may be due to the netmask of the LAN: with less than 254 possible