Chapter 8: Security settings
individually for each route in the routing table. The routing table can be found in the LANconfig in the 'IP router' configuration section on the 'Routing' tab.
Have you excluded certain stations from access to the router?
Access to the internal functions of the devices can be restricted using a special filter list. Internal functions in this case are configuration sessions via LANconfig, WEBconfig, Telnet or TFTP. This table is empty by default and so access to the router can therefore be obtained by TCP/IP using Tel- net or TFTP from computers with any IP address. The filter is activated when the first IP address with its associated network mask is entered and from that point on only those IP addresses contained in this initial entry will be permitted to use the internal functions. The circle of authorized users can be expanded by inputting further entries. The filter entries can describe both individual computers and whole networks. The access list can be found in LANconfig in the 'TCP/IP' configuration section on the 'General' tab.
Have you closed critical ports with filters?
The firewall filters of the LANCOM router devices offer filter functions for individual computers or entire networks. Source and target filters can be set for individual ports or for ranges of ports. In addition, individual pro- tocols or any combinations of protocols (TCP/UDP/ICMP) can be filtered. It is particularly easy to set up the filters with LANconfig. The 'Rules' tab under 'Firewall/QoS' can assist you to define and change the filter rules.
Is your saved LANCOM router configuration stored in a safe place?
Protect the saved configurations against unauthorized access in a safe place. A saved configuration could otherwise be loaded in another device by an unauthorized person, enabling, for example, the use of your Inter- net connections at your expense.