Configuring the Printer for the Net work
Printer Configuration 2 - 5
The current setting appears on the panel
3. Press the Up or Down Arrow keys until
the frame type you want to use
4. Press [Enter #].
10 Exit from the setup menu to the available function settings.
1. Press [Escape].
2. Press [Escape].
3. Press [Exit].
11 When printing a configuration page, confirm of your printer's configuration.
1. Press {User Tools}.
2. Press {4} on the number keys.
3. Press the Up or Down Arrow keys to
display “List Print”, and then press
[Enter #].
4. After confirming that “Config. Page”
is displayed, press [Enter #].
5. Press [Enter #].
Confirm of your printer's configuration by printing
a configuration page.
Subnet Mask
A number used to mathematically "mask" or hide IP Address on the network by eliminating those
parts of the address that are alike for all the ma chines on the network.
Gateway Address
A gateway is a connection or interchange point that connects two networks. A gateway address is
for the router or host computer used as a gateway.
•To get the addresses, contact your network administrator.
Access Control Address and Access Control Mask
Access Control Address and Access Control Mask are used to control the IP Address that have
access to the computer used for printing, with the IP Address. If it is not necessary for you to
control the access rights, select “”.