

Retouching pictures





[Miniature Effect]

This effect blurs peripheral areas to give the impression of a diorama.

[Soft Focus]

This effect creates a soft appearance by intentionally slightly reducing

sharpness in the entire picture.


[Star Filter]

This effect adds reflections in the shape of a cross to all small and very

bright light sources.



This effect creates a monochromatic picture and retains only the color

[One Point Color]

you selected, that is only objects of the selected color retain their color.

••Use the cursor buttons to move the frame in the center of the screen,



select the color to retain, and then press [MENU/SET].

••For more information about picture effects (→98 - 104)

••When you press the [DISP] button, a description of the selected effect is displayed.

Press [MENU/SET]

••A confirmation screen is displayed. If you select [Yes], the new retouched still picture is saved.

Operation from the [Playback] menu

Select [Retouch] in the [Playback] menu, and then press [MENU/SET]

Use the cursor buttons to select [Creative Retouch], and then press [MENU/SET] Use the cursor buttons to select a picture, and then press [MENU/SET]

Read Step (→154) to perform further steps.

●●The retouch effect may be less apparent in some still pictures.

●●The effect may appear weak compared to that set with the [Creative Control] mode. ●●It may not be possible to retouch still pictures recorded with other cameras.

●●You cannot retouch the pictures in a picture group as a group. Retouch each picture in a picture group after displaying it.

●●[Creative Retouch] is unavailable in the following cases: ••Motion pictures

••Panorama pictures ••3D still pictures

••Still pictures recorded with the [Quality] setting [  ], [  ] or [  ]

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