
Monitor/Viewfinder displays

The screens shown here are only examples. The actual display may vary.

In playback



















Playback mode (→145)
























































Protected picture (→167)






































Favorites (→165)
























































Date/text stamped display



















(→138, 159)





































Color Mode (→136)






































Retouched picture (→153, 154)






































Resolution (→128)






















































Quality (→129)






































Battery capacity (→17)










































































Rec Format (→139)





































Rec Quality (→139)




































Motion picture recording time






































































Exposure series (→143)

















































































































Histogram (→57)

Retouch (→153)

Motion picture playback (→48)

Panorama playback (→107)

Exposure series playback (→143)

[m] and [s] indicate “minutes” and “seconds”. (With camera models 18 484/-488) [h], [m] and [s] indicate “hours”, “minutes” and “seconds”.

(With camera models 18 485/-486/-487/-489/-490/-491)

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