12 −If the furnace does not light the first time (the gas line may not be fully purged), it will attempt up to two more ignitions before locking out.
13 −If lockout occurs, repeat steps 1 through 10.
14 −If the appliance will not operate, follow the instructions Turning Off Gas To Unit" and call your service techni- cian or gas supplier.
B − Turning Off Gas To Unit
1 − Set the thermostat to the lowest setting.
2 − Turn off all electrical power to the unit if service is to be performed.
3 − Remove the control access panels.
4 − Perform the following to both gas valves − Turn knob on gas valve 180_ either way to OFF. Do not force.
5 − Replace the control access panels.
Heating Sequence of Operation
A − Applications with
1 − When the thermostat calls for heat, the K13 and K19 relay contacts close (W1 and W2 jumpered on furnace terminal strip) and both combustion air blowers (B6 and B16) start.
2 − The combustion air pressure switches (S18 and S45) prove blower operation, then ignition controls (A3 and A12) are energized. The pressure switches are factory set and require no adjustment.
3 − After a
4− The sparks ignite the gas, the ignition sensors prove the flames and the combustion process continues.
5 − In the event that the flames are not detected after the first trial for ignition (8 seconds trial duration), the igni- tion controls will repeat steps 3 and 4 two more times before locking out. (The two ignition controls operate independently. If one control locks out its gas valve, the other control maintains its gas valve in operation.)
6 − When W1 heating demand is satisfied, the K13 and K19 relay contacts open and both gas valves (GV1 and GV3) close on
7 − For troubleshooting purposes, an ignition attempt after lockout may be
B − Applications with
1 − When the thermostat calls for heat, the K13 relay con- tacts close (W1 and W2 not jumpered on furnace ter- minal strip) and both combustion air blowers (B6 and B16) start.
2 − The combustion air pressure switches (S18 and S45) prove blower operation, then the ignition controls (A3 and A12) are energized. The pressure switches are factory set and require no adjustment.
3 − After a
4− The sparks ignite the gas, the ignition sensors prove the flames and the combustion process continues.
5 − In the event that the flames are not detected after the first trial for ignition, the ignition controls will repeat steps 3 and 4 two more times before locking out. (The two ignition controls operate independently. If one con- trol locks out its gas valve, the other control maintains its gas valve in operation.)
6 − If the temperature of the conditioned space continues to drop, the thermostat’s
7 − The K19 relay contacts close and the gas valves (GV1 and GV3) open on high heat after approximately 3 seconds.
8 − When the W2 heating demand is satisfied, the K19 relay contacts open and both gas valves (GV1 and GV3) close
9 − For troubleshooting purposes,an ignition attempt after
The heating sequence then restarts at step 1.
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