Lenovo 3493DFU, 3496 manual Removing the WiFi adapter card, Removing the WiFi card module

Models: 3493 3496 3493DFU

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This section provides instructions on how to replace the WiFi units. The WiFi units include a WiFi adapter card, a WiFi card module, and a rear WiFi antenna cable.

Replacing the WiFi units involves the following operations:

“Removing the WiFi adapter card” on page 58

“Removing the WiFi card module” on page 58

“Installing the WiFi units” on page 60

Removing the WiFi adapter card

To remove the WiFi adapter card, do the following:

1.Turn off the computer and disconnect all power cords from electrical outlets.

2.Remove the computer cover. See “Removing the computer cover” on page 32.

3.Remove the screw that secures the WiFi adapter card.

4.Grasp the WiFi adapter card that is currently installed and gently pull it out of the slot.

Figure 43. Removing the WiFi adapter card

Note: The card fits tightly into the card slot. If necessary, alternate moving each side of the card a small amount until it is removed from the card slot.

Removing the WiFi card module

To remove the WiFi card module, do the following:

58ThinkCentre User Guide

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Lenovo 3493DFU, 3496 manual Removing the WiFi adapter card, Removing the WiFi card module