DC-1 Effects
AC-3 Status Display (Dolby Digital version)
The following five effects are available only in the Dolby Digital version of the
MATRIX ENCODED: YES indicates a Dolby Digital input is matrix en- coded; No indicates it is not.
DOWNMIX: YES indicates material is being downmixed for speaker con- figuration, or because a
SAMPLE RATE: 44.1kHz or 48kHz depending on the incoming signal.
PGM CONTENT: shows you the actual spatial characteristics of the incom- ing soundtrack. The information appears as F/S.LFE where F=the number of front channels andS=the number of surround channels.LFE=.1 if the LFE channel is on.
For example, a given source may display 3/2.1, indicating that the source was recorded with 3 front channels, 2 surround channels, and the LFE channel. When the designation .1 indicates that the LFE channel is on, as in our example, a level meter at the bottom of the display will show LFE channel activity. (Note, that there are instances where the LFE channel is on, but no activity shows in the meter display. This is normal and should not cause concern.)
REF OFFSET indicates the Dialog Normalization value that is present in