If this happens:
Try this:
XM Instant Traffic and Weather | Do nothing. These channels use a different audio technology |
channels sound different from other | than the other XM channels. |
channels. |
Battery level meter does not match | Fully charge the battery, then use your XMp3 radio until the |
the expected charge or playback time. | battery is exhausted. This calibrates the battery level meter. |
Your XMp3 radio cannot see any files | Check that the microSD card is unlocked. |
on the microSD card. |
Your XMp3 radio still cannot see any | Check whether the microSD card is too full. There must be at |
files on the microSD card. | least 32 MB of free space available on the microSD card for |
| XMp3 radio to use it successfully. |
Your XMp3 radio does not | Check power and USB connections between your XMp3 radio |
communicate with your PC. | and your PC. Be sure to use the supplied USB cable. Remove |
| your XMp3 radio from its home stand, then |