125Operations - TN3270E SETUP: MISC SETTINGS > Form Strings (IDB Option 168)
Form Strings
(IDB Option 168) This SCS Options > MISC Settings option defines the lead in char-
acter for the Formatted String Utility.
Avoid using a character between 0 - 9 (ASCII 49
- 57), A - F (ASCII 65 - 70). Also, avoid using one
of the characters used as lead in for one of the
other CSC commands.
The lead in character is an ASCII character in the decimal range 0 -
255. Refer to “Appendix B - ASCII Character Table” on page282 for
a complete list of printable characters and their values.
Advanced IDB language to set factory default:
Option Value IDB Value Comments
ASCII Value 0 * 0 Disable the Formatted String
[1..255] 1 - 255