301Appendix - SCS TN5250eFont Table: The "Font" Programming Command
When selecting a font, a predefined string (String no. 100) is printed
before <String>. The predefined string contains the symbol set and
is normally /1B,"(12U".
1The Letter Gothic PCL font is selected when IBM font ID 87
(Letter Gothic 12 pitch) is sent from the system.
PRGFNT 87 N /1B,"(s0p12h0b4102T":
P Selection of "P" causes the printer to handle
the character spacing. If "P" is selected in
connection with programming of a font in the
IBM proportional spaced area (154-200), the
SCS/TNe Emulation prepares itself for sup-
port for downloaded IBM PS fonts. This
ensures correct spacing of downloaded pro-
portional spaced fonts. If a PCL proportional
spaced font is placed in the IBM proportional
spaced area (154-200), then this parameter
should be used if the PCL font’s own charac-
ter spacing is expected. Please note that this
gives no support for justification, bolding and