166Operations - TN5250E SETUP: CONNECTION # > SERVER # INFO > Name / IPaddress #
A description of each SERVER # INFO menu option follows.
Name /
IPaddress # This Connection# > Server# Info option specifies the kind of
address the SCS/TNe Emulation uses to contact the host.
Keep Alive Time 45 *, range: 1 - 32000 [seconds]
MSGQ # Name QSYSOPR *, ASCII name with up to 10
MSGQ # Lib *LIBL *, ASCII name with up to 10 characters.
IR # Reply Normal *, Offline, No Reply
Auto Sense # END No *, Yes
Connection# >
Option name Val ues
Option Value Comments
Use IP# Address* Use the IP address specified with the IP # Address
Use Hostname # Use the hostname specified with the Hostname #