36Mainframe Installation Setup: Task 2A - Configuring a Host For TN3270e Printing
Task 2A -
Configuring a
Host For
The printer with the SCS/TNe Emulation is defined to the Telnet
server in much the same way as a display LU.
Instead of the LUGROUP and LUMAP commands, the PRTGROUP and
PRTMAP commands are used.
Refer to your system documentation for further
Refer also to IBM books such as the IBM book
OS/390 eNetwork Communications Server
V2R5, TCP/IP Implementation Guide, Volume 1:
Configuration and Routing
(document no. SG24-5227-00).
It is important to observe the one-to-one mapping of display LUs to
printer LUs. This means that a single display LU is mapped to a sin-
gle printer LU or a display LU group is mapped to a printer LU
group. Each group must have the same number of LUs.
The example below shows how the VTAM section of the TCP/IP
PROFILE data-set can be defined.