Address Book
Contact List | Menu 8.1 |
This menu allows you to save and manage contact address information. The Contact List’s functions allow you to add a new address or search saved contact addresses by name.
New Contact | Menu 8.2 |
This menu allows you to add a new contact to the Contact List. You can enter contact address information including name, phone numbers, email addresses, group information items, memos, ring tones and a contact Picture ID.
Caller Groups | Menu 8.3 |
This menu allows you to manage group information. By default, there are 4 groups: family, friends, colleagues and school. You can also configure a ring tone for a group so that the group ring tone sounds when a call from a specific contact address within that group is received and there is no ring tone configured for the specific contact address.
Speed Dial List | Menu 8.4 |
This menu allows you to configure the speed dial numbers. You can select a number from 2 to 9 as a speed dial. You can configure speed dial numbers for up to 8 numbers.