Getting Started with Your Phone
G e tt i n g S ta r te d w i t h Yo u r P h o n e
Signal Strength
Call quality depends on the signal strength in your area. The signal strength is indicated on the screen as the number of bars next to the signal strength icon The more bars, the better the signal strength. If the signal quality is poor, move to an open area. If you are in a building, the reception may be better near a window.
Call quality can be affected by your location and by environmental (such as weather) conditions.
Screen Icons
When the phone is powered on, the top line of the LCD screen displays icons indicating the status of the phone.
To see icon information, go to
-> Settings -> Phone Info.-> Icon Glossary.
Making Calls
1.With the phone turned on, open the flip.
2.Enter the phone number (include the area code if needed).
3.Press .
If the phone is locked, you can only dial phone numbers saved as Emergency Numbers. To access and edit Emergency Numbers, go to:
4. Press to end the call.