Correcting Dialing Mistakes
If you make a mistake while dialing a number, press once to erase the last digit
entered or hold down for at least 2 seconds to erase all digits.
How to Install Your microSD Card
1.Locate the microSD slot on the right side of the phone and gently uncover the slot opening. (The microSD slot cover stays attached to the phone so it does not become lost.)
2.Insert the microSD card in the correct direction (see the following image) until it clicks into the slot. If you insert the card in the wrong direction, it may damage your phone or your card.
How to Remove Your microSD Card
1.Gently push the card in, this will release the exposed edge of the microSD card.
2.Remove the microSD card from the slot and replace the cover.
Do not attempt to remove the microSD card while reading or writing to the card.
Users wishing to transfer music onto a MicroSD card inserted into this phone (either through MTP Sync or Over the Air) must first format the MicroSD card on this handset.
G e tt i n g S ta r te d w i t h Yo u r P h o n e