Making a Call From Your Phone’s Memory
Once you have stored phone numbers in your Contacts, you can place calls to those numbers quickly and easily.
●By pressing Talk Key after searching for and highlighting the phone number in the Contacts list.
●By using Speed Dialing.
From Contacts
1.Press the Right Soft Key Contact List to display your Contacts.
2.Use to highlight the Contact entry, then press
3.Use to highlight the phone number.
4.Press to place the call.
From Call History
1.Press Menu.

Call History.
to highlight the type
of recent call, then press . Missed Calls/Received Calls/Dialed Calls/All Calls
4.Use to highlight the phone number.
5.Press to place the call.
Speed Dialing
For a
the digit, then press . For a
C o n ta c t s i n Yo u r P h o n e ’s M e m o r y