Using PCoIP solution
yView Event log Message
The View Event Log Message field displays the log
messages accompanied by the timestamp informa-
tion. The following two buttons are available:
The Refresh button refreshes the displayed event
log messages.
The Clear button clears all event log messages.
yPCoIP Packets statistics
yPCoIP Packets Sent
The PCoIP Packets Sent field shows the total
number of PCoIP packets sent from the portal
to the host in the last active session.
yPCoIP Packets Received
The PCoIP Packets Received field shows the
total number of PCoIP packets received from
the host to the portal in the last active session.
yPCoIP Packets Lost
The PCoIP Packets Lost field shows the total
number of PCoIP packets lost in the last ac-
tive session.
Figure 2-17. Event Log Configuration
Figure 2-18. Session Statistics Configuration
Event log Tab
The Event Log tab allows the administrator to view
and delete the event log messages from the portal.
session statistics Tab
The Session Statistics tab allows the administrator
to view the PCoIP specific statistics of the last ac-
tive PCoIP session from the portal.
yThe event log (regardless of the quantity)
can also be reset using the Webpage Admin-
istration Interface.
yThe session statistics (regardless of the
quantity) can also be viewed using the Web-
page Administration Interface.