Using PCoIP solution
yVPD Information
The Vital Product Data (VPD) is information that
uniquely identifies each portal or host.
yMAC Address
The portal MAC address
yUnique Identifier
The portal ID
ySerial Number
The portal serial number
yFirmware Part Number
The part number of the PCoIP firmware
yHardware Version
The portal hardware version
yfirmware Information
The Firmware Information shows the details of the
current PCoIP firmware.
yFirmware Version
The current PCoIP firmware version
yFirmware Build ID
The current PCoIP firmware revision code
yFirmware Build Date
The current PCoIP firmware build date
yboot loader Information
The Boot Loader Information shows the details of
the current PCoIP boot loader.
yBoot Loader Version
The current PCoIP boot loader version
yBoot Loader Build ID
The current PCoIP boot loader revision code
yBoot Loader Build Date
The current PCoIP boot loader build date
yboot loader Information
The Boot Loader Information shows the details of
the current PCoIP boot loader.
yDisplay Topology
Figure 2-21. Version Configuration
Information Window
In the Information window, the administrator can
access the Version tab that contains the device
related information.
User settings Window
In the User Settings window, the administrator can
access the tab to select the mouse and keyboard
and define the PCoIP image quality.
The User Settings window has the following tabs:
PCoIP Processor Revision
This shows the PCoIP processor's revision code.
TERA1x00 Revision A silicone is denoted by 0.0
and TERA1x00 Revision B silicone is denoted by
yThe version information can also be viewed
using the Webpage Administration Interface.