Using PCoIP solution
yMouse speed
The Mouse Speed field allows the user to set the
portal's mouse cursor speed.
yKeyboard Repeat Delay
The Keyboard Repeat Delay field allows the user
to set the portal's keyboard repeat delay.
yKeyboard Repeat Rate
The Keyboard Repeat Rate field allows the user to
set the portal's keyboard repeat rate.
yRepeat settings Test box
The Repeat Settings Test Box allows the user to
test the selected keyboard settings.
Figure 2-22. Mouse
Figure 2-23. Keyboard
Mouse Tab
The Mouse tab allows the user to modify the OSD
and RDP session's mouse cursor speed setting.
Keyboard Tab
The Keyboard tab allows the user to modify the
OSD and RDP session's keyboard repeat setting.
yThe OSD mouse cursor speed setting does
not affect the mouse cursor settings when
a PColP session is active unless the Local
Keyboard Host Driver function is being used
(see PColP Host Software User Guide for
more information).
yThe Mouse tab has no corresponding menu
in the Webpage Administration Interface of
Section 1.
yThe OSD keyboard setting does not affect
the keyboard settings when a PColP session
is active unless the Local Keyboard Host
Driver function is being used (see PColP
Host Software User Guide for more informa-
yThe Keyboard tab has no corresponding
menu in the Webpage Administration Inter-
face of Section 1.
yThe Mouse Speed can also be configured via
the PCoIP Host Software. For more informa-
tion on using the PCoIP Host Software, refer
to the PCoIP Host Software User Guide.