MEdia Net
]Activate: Select the account among the list of accounts, so it can be used for future connection.
]View: Allows you to see the specific account information.
]Edit: Allows you to change the account information.
]Delete: Allows you to delete the account.
]New: Allows you to create a maximum of 10 new accounts.
]Cancel: Allows you to exit the options menu.
You cannot edit and delete
In order to create a new account, please fill in the network information.
1.Account Name: Name associated with new account.
2.Homepage: Homepage URL.
3.Connection Mode: Select from TCP with Proxy, TCP without Proxy, UDP(CO), UDP(CL).
4.Proxy Address: Proxy server address.
5.Proxy Port Number: Proxy server’s port number.
6.Security: Select the secure or non-secure mode.
7.Time Out: Values between 10 to 600 seconds.
8.Network Profile: You can choose one from the network profiles. Note you can create a new network profile by selecting the list option on the center key.
1.The account information will be available from your operator.
2.Creating or editing an account requires care. The browser cannot connect to the Internet if the account information is not correct.
Primary Storage (Menu 4.7.2)
You can assign the primary storage to Handset or Memory Card.
Cache Settings (Menu 4.7.3)
The web pages you have accessed are stored in the memory of the phone.
]Clear Cache: Remove all cached data in the memory.
]Allow Cache: Set a value to determine whether a connection attempt is made through the cache or not.