Signature (Menu 2.9.3)
This feature allows you to create your Text signature. You can use symbols, text templates and contacts as part of the signature.
Message Settings | Menu 2.0 |
Text Message (Menu 2.0.1)
]Message Center Number: If you want to send a text message, you can get the address of the SMS center by using this menu.
]Email Gateway: You can send the text message to an Email Address via this gateway.
]Message Subject: You can enter the SMS Subject from this menu.
]Insert Signature: You can insert your own signature (Menu 2.9.3) that you created.
Multimedia Message (Menu 2.0.2)
]Priority: You can set the priority of the message you choose.
]Message Subject: You can enter the MMS Subject when this menu is on.
]Validity Period: This network service allows you to set how long your multimedia messages will be stored at the message center.
]Send Delivery Receipt: Allows you to send a delivery confirmation mail for a Multimedia Message.
]Send Read Receipt: Allows you to send a message read confirmation mail for a Multimedia Message.
]Download Options
-Download Without Ask: Allows Multimedia Message to be downloaded automatically.
-Ask Always: You can download a multimedia message manually.
-Discard: Used when user reject to download Multimedia Message.
]Message Center: The details for the Multimedia gateway are