Soft Key 1 Options.If you select the message View/
Erase/Forwardappears on the screen.
GView There are four menus Forward,
Reply, Erase and Save Number.
(“Save Number” is only displayed
when callback number does not
exist in phonebook.)
GErase Delete a selected message.
GForward You can modify the message
you’ve got.Then follow the process
for Write (see page 35).
Drafts (Menu )
The text message is saved in Drafts.A total of up to 30
messages can be saved in Drafts. When a user is inter-
rupted by a call while composing a message, messages
automatically get saved.
1.Press Soft Key 1 Menu, or .
2.Select Drafts.
3.After selecting the desired message with ,press
Soft Key 1 Options.If you select the message View/
Eraseappears on the screen.
GView There are four menus Send, Save,
Templatesand Erase.
GErase Delete a selected message.
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