The Lifecycle~ aerobic trainer's computerized display console allows you to
watch your progress as you ride.
The on-board computer lets you tailor your workout to your individual fitness
capabilities and provides a unique means of measuring your fitness improvement
from one workout to the next. You'll want to challenge yourself by gradually
increasing exercise intensity and exercise time as your endurance improves.
The display is simple to program and easy to use. It shows only data essential to
using the bike effectively.
Figure 1:Display Console D




A. HILL PROFILE GRAPHIC DIAGRAM: This graphic diagram visualizes the hills
and valleys encountered when you select the HillProfile program -a patented,
scientifically developed interval training system -unique to the Lifecycle@ aerobic
trainer. You have a choice of 9 timed programs ranging from 1 through 24
minutes, and can ride the Hill Profile, Random and Manual programs at 12
different levels of intensity (difficulty). The HillProfile graphic diagram is not
applicable to either the Random or Manual programs.
B. LED MATRIX WINDOW: This matrix of LED '1ights" shows your present
position (yellow column) and the upcoming terrain (red columns). As you pedal,
the lights move across the screen from right to left. The higher the yellow column
of lights, the harder you will be pedaling.
The Lifecycle~ is automatically programmed to put you inthe HillProfile mode.
With the Hill Profile, you will encounter the terrain visualized in diagram "A" on
page 8. Ifyou choose to ride the Random program, you will encounter a series of
random hills and valleys -with over one million variations, so you'll never make