The console is equipped with a wireless heart rate monitoring system in which electrodes, pressed against the skin, transfer heart rate signals from the user to the console. The electrodes are inside the chest strap (A) that the user wears during the workout. The transmitter strap delivers an optimal heart rate reading when the electrodes are in direct contact with bare skin. However it functions properly through a thin layer of wet clothing. The electrodes are two grooved sur- faces on the underside of the strap, and must remain wet to accurately transmit the electrical impulses of the heart back to the receiver. To use, first moisten the electrodes. Then, secure the strap as high under the chest muscles as possible. The strap should be snug, but comfortable enough to allow for normal breathing. Electrodes must be wet to work proper- ly. If it becomes necessary to
Note:Using the wireless heart rate telemetry chest strap will provide more accurate heart rate readings than the hand pulse sensors.
Note: To ensure the highest performance, use the wireless chest strap that was provided with the product.
When using Contact Heart Rate make certain to grasp sensors firmly and keep hands still. If heart rate seems substan- tially higher or lower than expected, remove hands from sensors until heart rate disappears. Dry hands and grasp sen- sors again until heart rate seems accurate. If this does not work you may need to slow the machine to get an accurate reading. On treadmills we recommend, for safety and accurate heart rate readings, that the user stand on the siderails when attempting to monitor heart rate with contact electrodes.
Note: The contact heart rate system may be less or more accurate with different individuals.