Target heart rate is a percentage of a user’s maximum heart rate. The goal is to target a range that enables one’s heart and lungs to receive the most benefit from a workout. The console calculates target heart rate by taking the maximum heart rate and multiplying it by

an intensity level. Maximum heart rate = 206.9 - (.67 x user’s age). Life Fitness intensity levels are 65% for weight loss and fat burning and 80% for improving cardiovascular endurance. The display will toggle between the 65% and 80% intensity levels. An arrow pointing up or down will illuminate to show when the user’s actual heart rate is above or below the target heart rate.

Example: User’s Age is 45.

206.9 - (.67 x 45) = 176.75.

177 is the Maximum Heart Rate for a 45 year old.

177 x 65% = 115. 115 is the optimal target heart rate for weight loss and fat burning.


A calorie is a unit used to measure energy. It represents the amount of energy obtained from food. One calorie is approximately enough energy to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius. The console calculates an average caloric burn

based on a Life Fitness proprietary calorie equation. This formula may not match other manufacturer’s machines or other Life Fitness machines.


The workout profile graphically displays the intensity of a workout with columns of various heights. During the workout the current intensity level the user is in is signified by an arrow located above the appropriate column. During a heart rate

workout the workout profile acts like a graph of the user’s heart rate. Each of the nine rows of the profile will represent the user’s actual heart rate as a percentage of their heart rate max. Therefore by the end of the work out, the user will be able to visually see their heart rate ranges throughout the workout.


Maximum Heart Rate

Percent Range









30 - 39%




40 - 49%




50 - 59%




60 - 69%




70 - 79%




80 - 89%




90 - 99%







Note: The percent in the table represents the user’s actual heart rate as a percent of their heart rate max. The heart rate

max is 206.9 - (.67 x user’s age). For example: A 40 year old’s heart rate max would be 206.9 - (.67 x 40) = 180. During their workout at the first interval their actual heart was 100. Therefore 100/180 = .56 or 56% and the profile would dis- play the user at row four for the first interval of the workout.


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Life Fitness 8975101 REV B-2 Target Heart Rate Display, Calorie Display, Workout Profile Display, Row Maximum Heart Rate