The RANDOM program creates a terrain of hills and valleys that varies with each workout. More than one million differ-
ent patterns are possible.
During a MANUAL workout, the program does not automatically change speed, incline, or time duration, as selected by
the user during the workout setup. The user can increase or lower these values, using the ARROW keys.
In this incline-based workout, the gradual changes in elevation are extremely subtle, lowering perceived exertion. The
cardiovascular workout is effective, efficient, and enjoyable at the same time.
The program consists of one hill. The user determines the elevation of the peak during the setup. This peak is reached
after 75 percent of the workout is completed. Afterward, the incline gradually returns to zero percent.
NOTE: For workouts that are longer than 16 minutes, the level can be changed to any desired value. For workouts that
are shorter than 16 minutes, the the level selection is limited.
0%Time 100%Time75%Time
EZIncline Workout Profile