Lifescan Blood Glucose Monitor System manual Apply Control Solution, Result Appears in 15 Seconds

Models: Blood Glucose Monitor System

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If you decide not to perform a control solution test, the “ctl” sign will disappear if you press the C button again.

Note: Every time you perform a control solution test, you must mark the test with the “ctl” sign so that the test will be distinguished from a blood glucose test in the meter memory.


Apply Control Solution.

Shake the control solution vial well. Remove the cap. Squeeze the vial and dis- card the first drop. Apply the second drop to the white target area of the test strip.


Result Appears in 15 Seconds.

The meter will count down from “15” to “1” second and the control solution test result will appear. Compare the result with the range printed on the test strip vial. The result should fall within this range.







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Lifescan Blood Glucose Monitor System manual Apply Control Solution, Result Appears in 15 Seconds