Lifescan Blood Glucose Monitor System manual Changing the Date, Set the Year, Set the Day

Models: Blood Glucose Monitor System

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Changing the Date

To change the date, you must first enter the setting mode. Start with the meter off. Then press and hold the M button for three sec- onds. The meter is now in the setting mode.


Set the Year.

The year setting will appear first. Press and release the C button to advance one year. To move faster, hold the C button down. With the correct year on the display, press the M button and the month and day will appear on the display with the month segment flashing.


Set the Day.

Press and release the C button until the correct day appears. To move faster, hold the C button down. With the correct day on the display, press the M button and the hour and minutes settings will appear with the hour segment flashing.


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Lifescan Blood Glucose Monitor System manual Changing the Date, Set the Year, Set the Day