Step-by-Step Test Procedure
Insert Test Strip.Insert a test strip, contact bars end first and facing up, into the test port. Push it in until it will go no further. The meter will turn on and the display check will appear briefly. Then the code number will
appear, followed by the symbol with mg/dL. Check to make sure the code number on the meter display matches the code number on the test strip vial.
Always confirm that the unit of measure is mg/dL when you test your blood glucose level.
WARNING: If mg/dL does not appear |
| |
with the | symbol, call LifeScan |
Customer Service at 1 800 227- | Insert This End | |
8862. Use of the wrong unit of |
measure may cause you to misinterpret your blood glucose level, and may lead to incorrect treatment.
Be sure the meter and test strip codes match. If they do not, code the meter correctly. (See pages
CAUTION: Matching the code on the meter and the code on the test strip vial is essential to obtain accurate results. Each time you test, check to make sure the code numbers match.