••Click Edit to change the Internet access schedule. You can click and drag to select or deselect a block of time.
6.To block specific websites:
a. Under Block specific sites, click Add.
Setting Up: Basics
How to configure your guest network
You can use your router’s guest network to provide your guests with access to the Internet, while restricting their access to other resources on your local network. To prevent unauthorized users from using your Internet access, your guest network requires that a password be entered for Internet access. The guest network is enabled by default.
Enter the Guest Password for Internet Access:
b.Type the web address (URL) of the website to block, then click OK. You can block up to ten websites.
It’s easier to copy and paste a web address than it is to type it in. Copy the address from your browser’s web address box, then paste it into an available box in the Block Specific Sites screen of Linksys Smart
7.Click OK to apply your changes.
Local Network
Guest Network
Local Access and Guest Access Diagram
Your wireless network’s guest network and password were set when you ran the router’s setup software, but you can change them at any time.