Instant EtherFast® Series
Infrastructure Network - An infrastructure network is a group of computers or other devices, each with a wireless adapter, connected as an 802.11 wireless LAN. In infrastructure mode, the wireless devices communicate with each other and to a wired network by first going through an access point. An infra- structure wireless network connected to a wired network is referred to as a Basic Service Set (BSS). A set of two or more BSS in a single network is referred to as an Extended Service Set (ESS). Infrastructure mode is useful at a corporation scale, or when it is necessary to connect the wired and wireless networks.
IP Address - In the most widely installed level of the Internet Protocol (Internet Protocol) today, an IP address is a
IPX (Internetwork Packet EXchange) - A NetWare communications protocol used to route messages from one node to another. IPX packets include network addresses and can be routed from one network to another.
ISP - An ISP (Internet service provider) is a company that provides individuals and companies access to the Internet and other related services such as Web site building and virtual hosting.
LAN - A local area network (LAN) is a group of computers and associated devices that share a common communications line and typically share the resources of a single processor or server within a small geographic area (for example, within an office building).
Mbps (MegaBits Per Second) - One million bits per second; unit of measure- ment for data transmission.
MIB (Management Information Base) - A set of database objects. This set con- tains information about a specific device for utilizing SNMP.
NetBEUI (NetBIOS Extended User Interface) - The transport layer for NetBIOS. NetBIOS and NetBEUI were originally part of a single protocol suite that was later separated. NetBIOS sessions can be transported over NetBEUI, TCP/IP and SPX/IPX protocols.
NetBIOS - The native networking protocol in DOS and Windows networks. Although originally combined with its transport layer protocol (NetBEUI), NetBIOS today provides a programming interface for applications at the ses- sion layer (layer 5). NetBIOS can ride over NetBEUI, its native transport, which is not routable, or over TCP/IP and IPX/SPX, which are routable proto- cols.
NetBIOS computers are identified by a unique
There are two NetBIOS modes. The Datagram mode is the fastest mode, but does not guarantee delivery. It uses a
Network - A system that transmits any combination of voice, video and/or data between users.
Node - A network junction or connection point, typically a computer or work station.
Packet - A unit of data routed between an origin and a destination in a network.
PC Card - A
PCMCIA - The PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association) is an industry group organized in 1989 to promote standards for a credit
Port - A pathway into and out of the computer or a network device such as a switch or router. For example, the serial and parallel ports on a personal com-
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