Using the Main Menu


The Record menu allows you
to configure scheduled
recording, recording
resolution, and image quality settings.
Tip: When you want to apply the setting
to multiple channels, click the "Copy
To" drop-down menu, and select All.
Click the Copy button to copy the setting
across all channels.

Enabling / disabling channels

from recording

To en able/ disable channels from
1In the Channel drop-down menu, select
the channel you wish to enable / disable
2Click Record drop-down menu, and select
Enable or Disable.
3Click Apply to save your settings.
When you disable recording, the
recording symbol ( )disappears
from channel view.

Adjusting Recording Quality

Adjusting recording quality allows you
to customize which cameras will record
in more detail. This allows you to
conserve storage space.
To configure recording quality:
1Click the Quality drop-down menu. Select
from Best, Better, or Good.
2Click Apply to save your settings.
To configure recording frame rates:
1Click the Frame Rate drop-down menu,
and select Fixed or Manual.
• If you select Fixed, beside the Resolution
drop-down menu, select from D1, HD1 or
• Click Apply to save your settings.
• If you select Manual, click the Frame Rate
button that appears. A Set FPS window will
a. In the CIF drop-down menu, select the
resolution (choose from D1, HD1 or CIF).
b. In the frame-rate drop-down menu,
select the desired frame rate (choose
from 1 ~ 30 frames).
c. The FPS counter near the top of the
window indicates how many frames you
have left to allocate additional frames to
d. Click Apply to save your settings.
Right-click>Main Menu>Record
To open the Record menu:
Record drop-down menu