2Configure the following:
Daylight Saving Time: Select Ena ble
Time Offset: Select how many hours the
time should move forward or backward
Daylight Saving Time Mode:
Start Time: Select the Month, day, and
time DST begins.
End Time: Select the Month, day, and time
DST ends.
3Click Apply to save your settings.
Configuring User Settings
The User Settings menu allows you to
add users, and edit user and admin
passwords for the system.
To create a new user:
1Click User Setting from the Advance
2Click the check box under "SEL" beside
the user that you wish to add.
3Click Edit to open the user settings
4Configure the following:
User Enable: Select ENABLE to add the
User name: Click the blank field to enter
a desired user name.
Password Enable: Select ENABLE to
enable a login password for the user.
Password: Enter your password.
Confirm: Re-enter the same password to
confirm your password selection.
5Click Apply to save your settings.
Editing User Menu Authority:
1Click User Setting from the Advance
2Click the check box under "SEL" beside
the user that you wish to edit.
3Click AUTHORITY. Select the menus that
you want the user to have access to.
4Click Apply to save your settings.
To edit a User or Admin password:
1Click User Setting from the Advance
2Click the check box under "SEL" beside
the user or admin account you wish to
change the password for.
3In the Password Enable drop-down menu,
select ENABLE.
4In the Password and Confirm fields, enter
the new password of your choice.
5Click Apply to save your settings.
Select checkbox