Remote Viewing
Configuring Network SettingsThe Network settings menu allows you to configure the system DDNS, E-mail notification,
and port settings.
To configure network settings:
1Click Remote Setting>Network>Basic.
2Configure the following:
• Type: Select DHCP or Static. DHCP allows the router to assign the DVR an IP address. Static
fixes the IP address of the DVR.
• If you sele ct Static, f ill in the IP Address, N etmask, D NS 1 and Gate way field s. Remembe r to
assign the static IP address in your router as well.
• Bandwidth: Select the bandwidth the DVR can consume. Set a lower bandwidth if you are on
a network with heavy traffic. For smoother playback, select a higher bandwidth.
• Auto Port Forwarding: Select Enable or Disable to turn au to port fo rwarding o n or off. N ote
that you must restart the DVR locally before changes take effect.
NOTE: You cannot remotely change the Media port, Web port or Mobile port. To change the
Media, Web, or Mobile port, you must change the ports locally on the DVR for changes
to take effect.
3Click Apply to save your changes.
About Static IPs
A static IP is useful if you wish to lock the local IP address of the DVR. This
is used when accessing the DVR over a local area network (LAN), and
prevents the DHCP server from assigning a random IP address for the
DVR. You must set the static IP address within your router before the
changes take effect.