4-11 Track Log
Set the distance internal to 25m, 50m, or 100m for recording the track points when driving.
| menu select | track log | |
| dsc setup |
| 25m |
| get buddy |
| >50m |
| >Track log |
| 100m |
1.Select TRACK LOG, then press ENTER, the 25m, 50m, 100m appear on the screen.
2.Select your desired and press ENTER to confirm.
4-12 Erase Track
Erase the track history line by this menu. So the track line will disappear on the plotter mode’s screen.
| menu select | erase track | |
| get buddy |
| yes |
| >no |
| >erase track |
1.Select ERASE TRACK, then press ENTER, the radio asks for confirmation.
2.Select Yes, then press ENTER to erase the track line of the plotter screen.
4-13 Reset (Reset to factory defaults)
Use RESET to return every setting on the radio to the factory defaults, except your MMSI, Group MMSIs and ATIS MMSI.
| MENU SELECT | RESET RADIO | menu select | ||
| TRACk log |
| dsc setup |
| erase track |
| >YES |
| get buddy |
| > RESET |
| no |
| >reset |
1.Select RESET, press ENTER, the radios asks for confirmation.
2.Select yes, press ENTER to reset the radio and return to the menu.
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