Installing the itmpt Sun SPARCSolaris FC Dr iver 3-13
cd /floppy/floppy0
Step 3. Execute the install.sh shell script to add the itmpt driver to
the boot installation area:
./install.sh –n /export/home/install/Solaris_2.7
•For Solaris 2.8 boot files, the directory would be
•The message “major number maximum based on server, not client”
can safely be ignored.
Running the install.sh script this way copies and installs the
LSI Logic/IntraServer drivers into the Tools/Boot/area of the boot files
and allows LSI Logic/IntraServer adapters to be booted for installation
using the bootserver. AddingClients to Your Boot/Install Server
For each machine that boots into the boot/install server, followthese
steps to add a client entry on the boot/install server:
Step 1. Change the directory to the boot/install kit:
cd /export/home/install/Solaris_2.7/Tools
Step 2. Use the add_install_client script to add the client machine
./add_install_client -i ipaddr
-e ethernetid client_name platform_group
Example: ./add_install_client -i –e
00:08:26:02:25:34 sunsys sun4u
ipaddr is the tcp/ip address of the client
ethernetid is the ethernet hardware (mac) address of
the client
client_name is the client’s system name
platform_group is the client’s vendor defined hardware