3.75 pc 10.25 pc 11.25 pc 38.25 pc
4.333 pc
48.583 pc
52.5 pc
34.5 pc
44.25 pc
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations A-7
System BIOS Controls the low level POST (Power-OnSelf-Test), and basic operation
of the CPU and computer system.
TID TargetID.
Topology The logical and/or physical arrangementof stations on a network.
ULP Upper Layer Protocol.
VCCI Voluntary Control Council for Interference.
Virtual Memory Space on a hard disk that can be used as if it were RAM.
VPD Vendor Product Data.
Word A two byte (or 16 bit) unit of information.
X3T9 A technical committee of the Accredited Standards Committee X3, titled
X3T9 I/O Interfaces. It is tasked with developingstandards for moving
data in and out of central computers.