3.75 pc 10.25 pc 11.25 pc 38.25 pc
4.333 pc
48.583 pc
52.5 pc
34.5 pc
44.25 pc
A-4 Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
Host The computer system in which a SCSI host adapter is installed. It uses
the SCSI host adapter to transfer information to and from devices
attached to the SCSI bus.
Host Adapter A circuit board or integrated circuit that provides a SCSI bus connection
to the computer system.
IP Internet Protocol.
IPI Intelligent Peripheral Interface.
ISA Industry Standard Architecture. A type of computer bus used in most
PCs. It allows devices to send and receive data up to 16 bits at a time.
Kbyte Kilobyte. A measure of computer storage equal to 1024 bytes.
LCT Logical Configuration Table.
LLC Logical Link Control.
Local Bus A way to connect peripherals directly to computer memory. It bypasses
the slower ISA and EISA buses. PCI is a local bus standard.
L_Port An FC port which supports the arbitrated loop topology.
Facility A termination card that handles the logical and physical control of the FC
link for each mode of use.
Login Server Entity within the FC fabric that receives and responds to login requests.
LUN Logical Unit Number. An identifier, zeroto seven, for a logical unit.
Mbyte Megabyte. A measure of computer storage equal to 1024 kilobytes.
MFA Message FrameAddress.
Multicast Refers to delivering a single transmissionto multiple destination N_Ports.
NIC Network Interface Card.
N_Port “Node” port, an FC defined hardware entity at the node end of a link.
NL_Port An N_Port that contains arbitrated loop functions.