LSI40909G-S PCI to Fibre Channel Host Adapter for Sun Solaris 1-1
3.75 pc 10.25 pc 11.25 pc 38.25 pc
4.333 pc
12 pc
12.938 pc
13.851 pc
48.583 pc
52.5 pc
34.5 pc
34.732 pc
Chapter 1LSI40909G-SDescriptionThis chapter describes the LSI40909G-S PCI to Fibre Channel (FC) Host
Adapter board and includes these topics:
•Section 1.1, “General Description,” page1-1
•Section 1.2, “Features,”page 1-1
1.1 General Description
The LSI Logic LSI40909G-S provides an FC interfaceto Sun Solar is PCI
computer systems. This board is referred to as the LSI40909G-S
throughout this guide. The LSI40909G-S uses the LSIFC909 FC I/O
Processor chip.
1.2 Features
This section provides an overview of the PCI Interface,the FC Interface,
and Board Characteristics for the LSI40909G-S.
1.2.1 PCI Interface
PCI interfaces I/O components to the processor and memory
subsystems in equipment ranging from PCs to servers.The PCI interface
operates as a 64-bit DMA bus master capable of 64-bit addressing. The
LSIFC909 contains the PCI functionality for the LSI40909G-S.