4-4 LSI40909G-S TechnicalCharacteristics
3.3 V voltage regulator.The PCI + 3 V/+ 5 V pins are used
to differentiate between a 5 V or a 3.3 V PCI signaling

4.2.2 The FC Interface

TheLSI40909G-S Fibre Channel interface provides an optical connection
to the FC link. The GBIC board uses an SCA connector and rail set
which accepts a GBIC module.

4.2.3 The FC Link Activity/Link Fault LED

The LSI40909G-S provides a dual-purpose LED visible through the
bracket which indicates activity on the FC link when the LED is green.
This LED turns yellow when there has been a fault on the FC link.
4.3 IEEE Unique Address
Each LSI40909G-S is provided with a unique IEEE address. The last six
hexadecimal characters of this address appear on a label on the board.
This address is stored in the serial EEPROM on the board, and is also
used for the worldwide name.