UPS Operation 4

UPS Shutdown

Performing a UPS shutdown turns off the power to your protected equipment. Make sure the equipment is prepared for a power5off before shutting down the UPS.

iNOTE Do not perform a UPS shutdown if you want to use the Maintenance Bypass feature on the Bypass Module ￿see •Using the Bypass Module" on page￿41￿.

To perform a UPS shutdown:

￿Press and hold the Output Off button until the long beep ceases (approximately three seconds).

The ￿Indicator remains lit indicating Normal Mode, load offline.

￿Unplug the UPS.

The UPS enters Battery Mode for several seconds. The ￿Indicator turns off and the UPS shuts down.

￿When all LEDs are no longer illuminated on the UPS, switch the circuit breaker to the OFF (O) position on each battery module or cabinet.

Changing the Output Voltage

To change the operating voltage of the UPS:

￿Perform a UPS shutdown as described in the previous section.

￿Follow the instructions in •UPS with Bypass Module Startup" on page 33.

Using the Bypass Module

The Bypass Module provides continuous online power for your equipment. With the Bypass Module, you can replace the UPS without losing power to the load.

Using Maintenance Bypass

Use the following procedure to transfer the critical load to Maintenance Bypass (AC￿Line operation) and remove the UPS:

￿Turn the Bypass switch on the Bypass Module to the BYPASS position (see Figure￿18). The Bypass Module is now powering your equipment from utility power.

￿Press and hold the Output Off button until the long beep ceases (approximately three seconds). The ￿Indicator remains lit.

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Image 51
Lucent Technologies 3000 VA UPS Shutdown, Changing the Output Voltage, Using the Bypass Module, Using Maintenance Bypass