
8￿# ￿!!&t&on￿l ￿￿tt"r5 mo!ul"s ￿r" to ￿" us"!, plu$ t%" ￿￿tt"r5 or! o# t%" s" on! mo!ul" &nto t%" "xt"rn￿l ￿￿tt"r5 onn" tor o# t%" #&rst ￿￿tt"r5 mo!ul". ￿ollow t%&s pro "!ur" #or "￿ % ￿!!&t&on￿l ￿￿tt"r5 mo!ul" or ￿xt"n!"! B￿tt"r5 ￿￿￿&n"t.

9￿"mov" t%" ￿r"￿k"r t&" #rom t%" &r u&t ￿r"￿k"r on ￿ll ￿￿tt"r5 mo!ul"s or ￿B￿s.

10￿urn t%" &r u&t ￿r"￿k"r on ￿ll ￿￿tt"r5 mo!ul"s to t%" ￿￿ ( ) pos&t&on.

11￿wo t&" wr￿ps ￿r" &n lu!"! w&t% t%" ￿￿￿ to s" ur" t%" Y7 or! to t%" &nput ￿n! output r" "pt￿ l"s on t%" ￿￿￿ r"￿r p￿n"l. ￿ns"rt t%" t&" wr￿p t%rou$% t%" slot on "￿ % t&" wr￿p mount.

12￿lu$ t%" Y7 or! o# t%" B5p￿ss ￿o!ul" &nto t%" pow"r onn" tors on t%"

￿￿￿ r"￿r p￿n"l ￿s s%own &n ￿&$ur"￿5 or ￿&$ur"￿6.

13￿"r t%￿t t%" plu$s ￿r" #ull5 s"￿t"!. ￿oop t%" t&" wr￿ps ￿roun! t%" Y7 or! onn" t&ons ￿n! t&$%t"n to s" ur" t%" or! to t%" r"￿r p￿n"l.

i NOTE Allow sufficient slack in the cord between the receptacle and the tie wrap. At least 12I (30 cm) of slack is recommended.

14￿# 5our B5p￿ss ￿o!ul" &s ￿ plu$/r" "pt￿ l" un&t, ont&nu" to ￿t"p 15. ￿# 5our B5p￿ss ￿o!ul" &s %￿r!w&r"!, sk&p to ￿t"p 1￿.

15￿# ￿n ￿xt"n!"! ￿ow"r ￿&str&￿ut&on ￿o!ul" (￿￿￿￿) &s r"qu&r"!, plu$ t%"

￿￿￿￿ &nto t%" pow"r output r" "pt￿ l" on t%" B5p￿ss ￿o!ul" r"￿r p￿n"l.

16￿%" "qu&pm"nt to ￿" prot" t"! ￿5 t%" ￿￿￿ s%oul! ￿" pow"r"! o##. ￿lu$ t%" "qu&pm"nt &nto t%" pow"r output r" "pt￿ l"s on t%" B5p￿ss ￿o!ul" r"￿r p￿n"l.

￿￿ ￿￿￿ prot" t l￿s"r pr&nt"rs w&t% t%" ￿￿￿ ￿" ￿us" o# t%" "x "pt&on￿ll5 %&$% pow"r r"qu&r"m"nts o# t%" %"￿t&n$ "l"m"nts.

17￿# 5ou ￿r" us&n$ ￿ ￿"mot" ￿m"r$"n 5 ￿ow"r7￿## (￿￿￿￿) sw&t %, #ollow t%" &nstru t&ons &n •￿￿￿￿ ￿nst￿ll￿t&on" on p￿$" 31.

18￿t￿rt t%" ￿￿￿ ￿ or!&n$ to t%" •￿￿￿ w&t% B5p￿ss ￿o!ul" ￿t￿rtup" pro "!ur" on p￿$" 33.


￿#￿￿￿" ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿! ￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿ ￿￿￿ ￿"￿ ￿! ￿￿￿#￿￿ ￿￿6￿$￿￿5$￿￿￿ I!!#￿ ￿￿

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Lucent Technologies 3000 VA manual Installation