Form B1 Supplemental Instructions: System Extensions

This form provides basic information for each system extension. To customize line restrictions or other extension settings, you must also use Form B2.

Write Name/Description

Write a user name or a description for auxiliary equipment (such as “Fax,” “VMS,” or “Conference Room”) to be installed at the extension. If system display phones should show the name/description of the caller for internal calls, write the 20 characters you want to display, check the Check if Ext. Name Display {CTP} column, and complete Form B1, page 3 of 3. (Note that MLS-model phones display only 12 characters.)

Identify Telephone Attached to this Extension

Check the appropriate column to indicate the type of phone.

If a system and standard phone are combined on an extension, check the two appropriate Identify Telephone columns. If a phone and an auxiliary device are combined on the extension, check the appropriate Identify Telephone and Identify Auxiliary Equipment columns.

Identify Auxiliary Equipment

Attached to this Extension

Except as noted, check the appropriate column to indicate the type of auxiliary equipment.

Call Waiting {#316}

(Standard phones only) By default, the system’s Call Waiting feature is set for Not Active. To change the default, check extensions with standard phones that are to receive a tone while on a call to indicate a second incoming call.

External Hotline {#311}

Check the extensions to be used as External Hotlines. Specify the telephone number that is dialed automatically from each External Hotline on Form D.

Hotline {#603}

Write “Hotline” in the Write Name/Description column and write “T” for touch- tone or “R” for rotary in the Standard column (under Identify Telephone) to indicate the phone type. (A hotline extension should have a standard touch- tone or rotary phone; a hotline alert extension can have any phone type.)


Check the 2, 4 or 6 extensions used to connect the PARTNER MAIL system and write “VMS” in the Write Name/Description column.

NOTE: In addition to the VMS extensions, you must specify an extension (with no lines assigned) where a remote maintenance device is installed. Write “VMS-RMD” in the Write Name/Description column.

These VMS extensions should be checked on Form B2, Identify Group Assignments, VMS Only. They must be assigned to Hunt Group 7 using Hunt Group Extensions {#505}.


Check the 2 or 4 extensions used for PARTNER MAIL VS and write “VMS” in the Write Name/Description column. Note that the PARTNER MAIL VS module is installed in a control unit slot, and so takes up 6 extensions.

Only the bottom 2 or 4 extensions, however, answer VMS calls—the other extensions can be used as guest mailboxes.

These VMS extensions should be checked on Form B2, Identify Group Assignments, VMS Only. They must be assigned to Hunt Group 7 using Hunt Group Extensions {#505}.

Extra Alert

Check the extensions to which an extra alert, such as a light or bell, is connected.


Check the extensions to which an In-Range Out-of-Building protector is connected to prevent electrical surges.

AA Extension {#607}

Check the extensions to which automated attendants are connected.

Contact Closure Group {#612}

Identify the extensions that can activate Contact Closure 1 and Contact Closure 2.

Write Transfer Return Ext. No. {#306}

By default, a transferred call returns to the originating extension if the call is not picked up. To specify a different transfer return extension, write the extension number in this column. For extensions to which you are connecting a PARTNER MAIL system, PARTNER MAIL VS system, or auto attendant, indicate a transfer return extension—usually extension 10—where a person can pick up calls that are transferred by the VMS or AA extension but not answered.


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Lucent Technologies partner advanced communications system manual Form B1 Supplemental Instructions System Extensions