DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
System Description Pocket Reference
Transition Notes
System Design
Appendix A — Transition Notes
The hardware design for DEFINITY AUDIX system Release 4.0 has changed significantly from previous releases of the system. The most important result of these changes is a 60% reduction in the space the system requires in the customer’s switch.
The change in system size required some changes in functionality that may impact customers who migrate from previous system releases to Release 4.0. This appendix explains these changes in detail. For more information about the design and operation of DEFINITY AUDIX system Release 4.0, see Chapter 2.
System Design
DEFINITY AUDIX system Release 4.0 uses one circuit pack, the TN568. With its additional hardware components, including the MO drive and the hard disk drive, the system occupies two universal port slots in the customer’s switch.1 Previous releases of the DEFINITY AUDIX system used two circuit
Native and Non-native Support
When the DEFINITY AUDIX system operates in native mode, the switch reserves a number of port slots for the system based on the system’s size. DEFINITY AUDIX system releases earlier than 4.0 were five slots wide, so switch releases that supported the system in native mode reserved five slots for the system. Because DEFINITY AUDIX system Release 4.0 only requires two slots in the switch, switch releases that support the system in native mode will only reserve two slots for the system.1
DEFINITY switch Version 4, Version 5, and Release 6 supported DEFINITY AUDIX system releases earlier than 4.0 in native mode. However, only DEFINITY switch releases 7.1 and later will support DEFINITY AUDIX system Release 4.0 in native mode.
This change mainly impacts customers who want to migrate from DEFINITY AUDIX system releases earlier than 4.0 to DEFINITY AUDIX system Release 4.0 for use in DEFINITY switch Version 4, Version 5, or Release 6. Customers who use DEFINITY AUDIX system releases earlier than 4.0 in these switches probably use the system in native mode. If these customers migrate to DEFINITY AUDIX system Release 4.0, the new system will operate in
Issue 1 May 1999
1.The Compact Modular Cabinet (CMC) reserves one slot if the system is installed in slot 6.