DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
System Description Pocket Reference
Design and Operation
Chapter 2 — Design and Operation
Figure 2-1 shows the five main hardware components that compose the DEFINITY AUDIX system:
■TN568 circuit pack
■Hard disk drive
■Magneto-optical (MO) disk drive
■On-board H600 cables
| TN568 |
| Circuit pack |
Hard disk drive
wn | |
Shutdo |
ckdx568t KLC 012099
Figure 2-1. The DEFINITY AUDIX System
This chapter describes each of these components in detail and its role in voice messaging on the DEFINITY AUDIX system. This chapter also describes the system’s requirements for resources from the customer’s switch, such as space and power.
Issue 1 May 1999