DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
System Description Pocket Reference
Information that the system creates to identify a message. A message header includes the originator or recipient, type of message, creation time, and delivery time.
Hunt Group
A group of ports on a switch usually administered to search for avail- able ports in a circular pattern.
The process of bringing a system to a predetermined operational state. The
Initialization and Administration System (INADS)
A maintenance system used by remote technicians to track alarms.
Interboard Bus
For release 3.2 and earlier versions, the
INTUITY Message Manager
A PC application that is used for the retrieval and display of message headers, addressing to lists, managing personal greetings, and for cre- ating, forwarding, and replying to voice mail messages.
Leave Word Calling
A switch feature that allows the calling party to leave a standard (non- voice) message for the called party using a feature button or dial access code.
Light Emitting Diode (LED)
For Release 3.2 and earlier releases, a
Release 4.0 uses three LEDs on the system’s faceplate to report the system’s status and to provide alarm and diagnostic information.
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
Issue 1 May 1999
For release 3.2 and earlier releases, the