DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
System Description Pocket Reference
Transition Notes
System Design
must administer the maximum number of voice ports the DEFINITY AUDIX system will allow.3 If the DEFINITY AUDIX system emulates a TN754
For more information about voice port administration, see Installation and Switch Administration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0,
Migration Impacts
DEFINITY AUDIX system Release 4.0 may not be the best voice messaging solution for customers who use more than 12 voice ports on previous releases of the system. If these customers migrate to DEFINITY AUDIX system Release 4.0, they may experience a significant decline in the speed of their voice messaging service. These customers may consider migrating to an INTUITY messaging system. For more information about the INTUITY messaging system, see INTUITY Messaging Solutions.
Digital Networking Port
DEFINITY AUDIX system Release 4.0 has one digital networking port, while previous releases of the system had two digital networking ports. Although this change has only minimal affects on
For DCP Mode 2 connections, the following traffic limits apply:
■The system can network with only 10 remote AUDIX nodes.
■The system can accommodate no more than 100 local subscribers.
■The system can accommodate no more than 10,000 remote subscribers.
Customers whose DCP Mode 2 Digital Networking traffic requirements exceed those for DEFINITY AUDIX system Release 4.0 should consider the INTUITY messaging system. For more information about DEFINITY AUDIX system Release 4.0 traffic guidelines, see Chapter 3. For more
3.This rule differs from previous system administration conventions where administrators were required to administer the maximum number of voice ports the switch would allow.
Issue 1 May 1999