Torq 1.5 User Guide Chapter 1 9
Torq 1.5 User Guide Chapter 2 9
INSTALLATION✓ Note: The following directions are for i nstalling the Torq software onto your computer. Torq will not run, however, unless a n
appropriate M-Audio hard ware device (such as the Conectiv interface) is ins talled and plugged in to your computer. Please follow
the installation instruct ions provided with your hardware device before laun ching Torq.
Windows XP and Vista
1. Place the Torq disc in your CD/DVD drive.
2. Windows will automatically launch the i nstall screen. (If you are using Windows Vista a nd see an Autoplay dialog
window, click “Run autorun.exe” to launch the inst aller.) If the install screen fails to launch, you can m anually start it
by clicking on Start > My Computer
3 > Torq CD-ROM.
3. Select Torq from the drop- down menu and click “Install.”
4. The Installation Wizard will appear. Choose “Next .”
5. The License Agreement window will appear. Select “I acce pt the agreement” then choose “Nex t.”
6. Windows will prompt you to select a destinati on folder. The default path is C:\Program Files\Torq. If you would like
to install Torq in another location, click the “B rowse” button and choose a new location.
7. When you have chosen an install fol der, click “Next.”
8. You will be asked where Torq should install the application shortc uts in the Windows Start menu. If you are not
familiar with this, leave the def ault selection and choose “Next.”
9. The installer will give you the option of creat ing a desktop icon. This icon is used to quickly l aunch Torq directly from
your desktop. Make your selection and choose “ Next.”
10. Confirm you r install settings and choose “Ins tall.”
11. Torq will begin inst alling, its process indicated by a Windows progress b ar.
12. When Torq is finished ins talling, choose “Finish.”
13. Close the installer screen.
14. Double-click the Torq application icon to launch the program .
3 If you are using Windows Vista, “My Computer ” will be labeled “Computer” in this ste p.
Macintosh OS X
1. Place the Torq disc in your CD/DVD drive.
2. Double-click the Torq CD icon on your desktop. This will display the contents of t he CD.
3. Double-click the “Open Me” icon.
4. Select Torq from the drop-down menu and click “Install.”
5. The Torq installer welcome screen will appear. Click “Continue.”
6. The Software License Agreement window will app ear. Click “Continue.”
7. Choose “Agree” from the drop-down di alog box.
8. Select a drive on which to install Torq and click “Continue.”
✓ Note: By default, the “Application s” folder on your main hard drive will be selected; if you wou ld like to select another
folder, click “Choose” and make a selection.
9. Click “Install” to begin the ins tallation.
10. When in stallation has completed, selec t “Close.”
11. A Torq shortcut icon wi ll be displayed on your desktop. Double-clic k the icon to launch the program.