Torq 1.5 User Guide Chapter 1 73Torq 1.5 User Guide Chapter 13 73
A coffee filter is designed to stop cof fee grounds while allowing water to pass throu gh. Audio filters work in a similar
fashion: they prevent particular freq uency ranges within an audio signal from pa ssing through the effect. Filte rs come in a
variety of flavors and Torq features three of the most popul ar types: Low-Pass, High- Pass, and Band-Pass. The n ames of
these filters are descriptive of what th ey do. A Low-Pass filter, for example, will only allow low frequ encies (bass tones)
to pass through—it will remove the h igh-frequency (treble) content from the audio sign al. A High-Pass filter works the
other way: it allows the treble to pass th rough while bass is removed. A Band-Pa ss filter is essentially a High- and Low-
Pass filter put together: it will re move high and low frequencies from the audio signal, only a llowing a narrow band of
frequencies to pass.
The most important paramet er for a filter is its Cutoff Frequency. It deter mines the frequency where a filter will beg in
to stop frequencies. For example , when using a Low-Pass filter with a cuto ff frequency of 1kHz, frequencies below 1kHz
will pass through the filter unaff ected while the frequencies above 1kHz are reduced or removed. W hile there are other
parameters that also affec t the behavior of a filter, Cutoff Frequency is the par ameter that you’ll be controlling in Torq.
< Enable button
This but ton will turn the Dual-Filter on a nd off.
< Mix Knob and Routing Button
The Dual-Filter is designed to be used as an Inse rt effect. For this reason , the Routing button will automaticall y
switch to Insert mode whenever you load t his effect. Then, the Mix kn ob will serve as a Dry/Wet adjustment
which you will want to leave fully clockwise (so you only he ar the output of the Dual-Filte r).
< Tweak Button
The Tweak button is used to set the filter mode for the Dual-Fil ter effect. When this but ton is off, the two
filters (High-Pass and Low- Pass) will be adjusted only one at a time. When you turn t his button on, the High-Pa ss
and Low-Pass filters will be linked, t hus creating a Band-Pass filte r where both filters are adjusted simultan eously.
< Tweak Knob
This kn ob will adjust the Cutoff Frequencies of t he filters.
» When the Tweak button i s off, the knob will behave as follows:
1. Placing t he knob at 12 o’clock will result in the audio passing through the Dual -Filter unaffected.
2. Turning the knob counterclockwise from 12 o’clock will begin to lower the Cutof f Frequency of the
Low-Pass filter. You will hear the music become dull and muf fled as you turn this down to the point
where you’ll only hear low bass rumbles.
3. Turning the knob clockwise from the 12 o’clock position will begin to rai se the Cutoff Frequency of
the High-Pass filter. You will hear the music become more t hin and brittle as you do this until only
the highest of the high frequencies rem ain.
» When the Tweak button is on, the Tweak knob will merely control t he center frequency of the Band- Pass
filter. As you turn the knob down (counterclockwise), you’ll hear t he high frequencies become muffled
while you begin to hear more of the bass.